Casual Lecturer – Skills 24 project

Posted 12 months ago

About the role

The College’s Business Development unit has been awarded the contract to deliver Carmarthenshire’s Shared Prosperity Fund to deliver Care and associated skills to adults and employees within our region.

The post provides an exciting and challenging opportunity for a pro-active and innovative teacher to play a major role in the delivery of care skill, training and qualifications at multi-site locations within Carmarthenshire that the Skills 24 project will deliver from.

The role is key to the successful delivery of our project targets and will support and monitor the outreach activity of community tutors, engaging with adults and developing skills.

Through this engaging and community focused environment, Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion will be at the heart of developing new skills and supporting those that want to improve existing skills.

Main Responsibilities

· Undertake the teaching, assessment and co-ordination of programmes of study leading to qualifications/certification

· Deliver bespoke learning with an innovative approach to engage with hard to reach adults within the community

· Liaise closely with the project coordinator to be reactive with delivery models to meet individual needs


· Relevant degree or equivalent qualification

· Teaching qualification

· GCSE English and Mathematics at minimum Grade C or O Level equivalent

· Good literacy and numeracy skills and ability to communicate effectively at all levels both orally and in writing

Main responsibilities

· Undertake the teaching, assessment and co-ordination of programmes of study leading to qualifications/certification within a minimum of one of the following areas:

1. Numeracy skills (Agored Cymru Certificated)

2. GCSE Maths

3. Essential skills in Numeracy (Levels E3 to 2)

4. Essential skills in Communication (Levels E3 to 1)

5. Care Skills (Agored Cymru Certificated)

6. Social Care Skills (Agored Cymru Certificated)

7. First Aid (Highfield Qualification)

8. Health and Safety Qualifications (Highfield Qualifications)

9. Wellbeing (Various awarding bodies)

10. Mental Health (Highfield Qualifications)

11. Train the Trainer (Various)

12. Retrofit (NOCN)

13. Green Skills / Net Zero (Various)

14. Certificate in Environmental Management (IEMA)

· Deliver bespoke learning with an innovative approach to engage with hard to reach adults within the community

· Liaise closely with the project coordinator to be reactive with delivery models to meet

· individual needs

· Contribute to project meetings feeding back progress and issues that arise

· Support with marketing and recruitment as required

· Liaising with Technical Support and/or Instructor/Demonstrators to ensure an effective and high quality resources are produced and shared with the wider team

· Develop a supportive environment that create a unique learner experience for the hardest to reach of our community

· Inspire and support successful candidate with progression on ‘train the trainer’ programmes as required

Generic Responsibilities

· Contribute to all forms of pedagogic work including classroom teaching, tutorial work and associated outreach duties, residential, open and distance learning courses and learner work placements. This will normally entail associated organisational administrative work, preparation and assessment, internal verification, learner targets and tracking, learner support and appropriate welfare and academic counselling responsibilities

· Contribute to the management of the curriculum within your programme area to include interviewing and guidance, induction, initial assessment, and meet targets on retention, attendance, and successful completion.

· Participate and contribute to aspects of curriculum development within the faculty, the college and with partner schools, other educational establishments, stakeholders and employers

· Be involved in and adhere to all aspects of the curriculum areas quality control systems and cycle including the internal verification/moderation of assessed work ensuring deadlines are met

· Contribute to the learning programme evaluation report and regularly update the quality development plan

· Execute the role of a Programme Co-ordinator eg. Learning Programme Co-ordinator, Course Leader where appropriate

· Participate in the assessment, recording and reporting of learners work and progress and to communicate and consult with parents / carers of learners and/or employers when required

· Where appropriate liaise with registry/examinations/campus office to effectively administer examinations and external assessments

· Where appropriate invigilate examinations and assessments

· Maintain good order and discipline amongst all learners inside and outside the classroom. Record and monitor this behavior in accordance with the college’s systems and policies.

· Identify and report to an appropriate person any concerns relating to the safeguarding of learners or related at risk people;

· Adhere to the college health and safety procedures and protocols both on and off site, including educational visits protocols and procedures, where necessary completing and updating appropriate risk assessments in a timely manner;

· Participate in meetings which relate to curricular, quality, administrative or organisational matters;

· Participate in external and internal marketing and admissions activities, including open evenings, school visits, and learner interviews;

· Ensure the programme/course information you are responsible for is updated using the college database, website and produce suitable marketing materials;

· Communicate with the marketing department good news stories to maintain a high profile for your area and the college, including engaging with social media;

· Share collective responsibility as a member of the A Levels and Access Faculty for:

1. developing and promoting the College’s Strategic Plan;

2. be aware of and contribute to achieving the benchmark targets for your areas of responsibility;

3. providing information and advice to the faculty management team;

1. managing effectively and efficiently any resources allocated within an agreed budget;

2. developing a culture of bilingualism and Welsh medium within your curriculum;

3. contribute to the increase of commercial activity leading to less reliance on core funding;

4. ensuring, as a member of the Faculty area team, that appropriate steps are taken to:

– implement College policies and procedures with respect to equal opportunities;

– adhere to approved disciplinary and grievance procedures;

· Implement agreed measures to monitor and improve the quality of experience for learners;

· Represent the College at any local, national or international forum at the request of the Executive;

· Work with the Principalship, Executive and Faculty Managers to ensure that the College meets its aims and objectives, quality standards and performance targets;

· Fulfill the role of ‘Personal Tutor’ as indicated in the following section;

· Undertake such other relevant duties as may reasonably be determined by the Principal, commensurate with the grade, at the initial place of work, at other locations within the College, at outreach centres or even franchising commitments abroad.

Role of Personal Tutor

The tutorial group is a fundamental unit in the organisation of the College. Personal tutors, therefore, are of central importance in the delivery of the whole curriculum. It is expected that strong relationships will be developed within the tutor group, so that learners will grow in security and responsibility, develop good study and leisure habits, enjoy contributing to the life of the College and community, and acquire a capacity for sensible decision making.

Most staff will be allocated a group of learners whose areas of study will, as far as practicable, include the tutor’s specialism.

Personal tutors will be expected to

· Compile learner progress reports as required and contribute to the work of learner IAPs;

· Monitor the attendance of learners in the group on the basis of the information provided by the College’s register system;

· Adhere to the college learner disciplinary process when required ensuring the Gari system is updated and individual smart action plans are created and monitored;

· Consult with parents/guardians on learner achievement and progress;

· Regularly attend personal tutor meetings and CPD sessions;

· Be available for discussion with learners about personal welfare, and to refer learners to appropriate agencies inside and outside the College;

· Ensure that learners are fully aware of the College system of careers and Higher Education guidance;

· Prepare references for HE or employment and disseminate the information in a timely manner to the appropriate parties.

Professional Responsibilities

Adhere to Educational Workforce Council Wales Regulations 2015 and the College’s Code of Conduct.

The duties and responsibilities of lecturing staff are of a professional nature, are wide ranging and will vary according to the experience and responsibilities of individuals.

It is therefore expected that:-

· You will be punctual and prepared for all your teaching classes.

· You will adhere to the college Respect and Equal Opportunities policies

· You have a responsibility to enhance the quality of the educational provision.

· You must endeavour to promote individual learner progression through the stages of learning and into employment or further study.

Continuous Professional Development

You are required to take part in continuing professional development in accordance with the College’s policy which includes

· A requirement to undertake 30 hours of continuing professional development every year (pro rata for part time staff)

· Actively engaging in your staff appraisal / performance management and review process based on an assessment of individual and college needs

Job Types: Part-time, Temporary contract, Fixed term contract
Contract length: 10 months

Salary: £22,904.00-£41,915.00 per year

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